This rotary pressure filter has clean-in-place technology - Chemical Engineering | Page 1

2022-09-10 00:16:11 By : Ms. Selena Jiang

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Type RPF rotary pressure filters (photo) are continuously operating filters that facilitate gas-tight cake handling in a series of separate process steps. The fully automatic clean-in-place (CIP) system fulfills the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical and food industries for cleaning surfaces inside of the machine. The filters support a broad range of process steps during a single rotation of the drum. Further processes can be carried out after separating the slurry into filtrate and filter cake, including displacement, countercurrent and closed-cycle washing, as well as reslurrying, solvent exchange, steaming, extraction and mechanical or thermal cake dewatering. All process steps are performed within the filter’s segregated segment zones, making it possible to separately discharge the filtrates or other substances. The rotary pressure filter is a fully encapsulated unit that can be integrated into production processes in a gas-tight manner. This means that it is also suitable for use in operating scenarios with increased safety or hygienic requirements. — BHS-Sonthofen GmbH, Sonthofen, Germany

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