QA Commissioners lend support to projects set to receive Rural Maryland Economic Development Grants | Business and Agriculture |

2022-08-20 00:08:37 By : Mr. Michael Zhang

Heather Tinelli, director of the Queen Anne’s County Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

From left, Queen Anne’s County commissioners Steve Wilson, Jim Moran, Chris Corchiarino, Jack Wilson and Philip Dumenil.

Heather Tinelli, director of the Queen Anne’s County Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

From left, Queen Anne’s County commissioners Steve Wilson, Jim Moran, Chris Corchiarino, Jack Wilson and Philip Dumenil.

CENTREVILLE — County commissioners signed a letter of support for the Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund grant application during their Aug. 9 meeting. Queen Anne’s County is set to receive $2.9 million dollars for county specific projects and the upper shore region which includes Cecil and Kent counties will receive $1.3 million for regional based projects.

Heather Tinelli, Director of Economic and Tourism Development and Rebecca Lepter, Economic Development Coordinator presented several projects that were identified as priority projects in the application. The funding opportunity from the Maryland Department of Commerce supports economic development activity, stimulate private investment, and grow jobs in the state’s rural counties.

According to Tinelli, projects can be county focused or regional in scope and must be completed within 24 months. Tinelli further explained they utilized the same grant review committee they had formed during COVID-19 to disperse various grants related to recovery.

The projects identified include 1.2 million for the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park Association, Inc. to update all the infrastructure within the park grounds, including electric, paving of walkways and drives inside the park, waterlines, broadband, updating and or replacement of building and facilities, correction of drainage issues and hard surfacing the handicap parking area.

The Queen Anne’s County Economic Development Commission is set to receive $80,000 to engage a firm to assess sites for industrial development, site visit presentation review and industry competitive analysis. This study will then inform an update to the EDC’s Strategic Plan which will also be funded as part of the award.

Under the grant, the Town of Centreville will receive $500,000 to upgrade its wastewater treatment plant. Federal earmark funding is limited therefore the town is seeking a portion of the funding to modernize the wastewater system.

The Town of Church Hill anticipates $10,000 to erect a 195-foot cell tower on the wastewater treatment plant property to enhance wireless communications including internet and broadband for Church Hill and surrounding areas.

With $75,000 in funding the Upper Shore Community Development Partners: Minority Entrepreneurship Training Accelerator (META) will create a one-year intensive business development and coaching program for Black and minority sole proprietorships that will lead to the creation of fully formed LLCs equipped with tangible assets and a targeted microgrant to help fund future expansion on Maryland’s Upper Eastern Shore.

Chesapeake College plans to expand the Marine Trades Program, and with $141, 599 in funding awarded, create a Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and start an Advance Manufacturing Technology Program. This will also be part of the regional funding from the other upper shore counties.

Queen Anne’s County Public Schools together with Economic & Tourism Development will receive $600,000 to create a dedicated career center housed in each high school. This office would be staffed by a career counselor whose position is solely dedicated to career awareness, guidance, and career connections for students. The counselor would work with students, businesses and the QA Career and Technology liaison to establish meaningful and purposeful internships, apprenticeships and job placements.

Anticipating an award of $100,000, the Town of Sudlersville is proposing to contract with a consultant that will focus on economic development initiatives to include creating a formal economic development strategy, implementing the Sustainable Communities Renewal Plan, a new Comprehensive Plan, track projects and connections and seek funding opportunities and report on existing grants.

With $71,201 in funding allocated to Economic & Tourism Development, high speed fiber connections are planned for the Chesapeake Bay Business Park. The grant will allow for the installation of underground fiber capable of providing uninterrupted service in any weather condition along a 1.89-mile path so service can be provided to all sites in the Chesapeake Bay Business Park.

The Queen Anne’s Waterman’s Association is looking to receive $10,200 to purchase equipment and larvae for two oyster restoration projects in the county. Investing in new techniques that are more cost effective and less reliant on oyster shells which are becoming more difficult to acquire.

Lastly, the divided grant funding would contribute to an Economic Feasibility Study for growing agribusiness in Queen Anne’s. With $75,000 allocated, the study will include an evaluation of current infrastructure, geographic and environmental considerations and code and policy which has potential economic impact to Queen Anne’s County. Some short terms actions include highlighting existing agribusiness, and long-term actions include solutions for challenges and barriers to the growth of agribusiness.

In neighboring Kent County, the commissioners there approved three projects to move forward in the process for grants from the Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund.

The $2.9 million grant will help pay for the state Route 213 entrance to the Chestertown business campus, updates to the Millington (belonging to Kent and Queen Anne’s counties) wastewater treatment plant and extending water and sewer lines in Worton.

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