• Police: Waterbury man drowned in local reservoir Monday

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:35

    The Region 5 Dive Team recovered the body of Waterbury man and drowning victim Jamie Ward, 41, at 5:17 p.m. on Monday , according to police.

    WATERBURY — Police say a man drowned in East Mountain Reservoir Monday afternoon.

    Waterbury authorities and EMS personnel were called to th

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    Migrants continue crossing where 9 migrants drowned in swollen river

    EAGLE PASS, Texas (Border Report) — A group of migrants screamed and flailed as a woman nearly went under as she tried to cross the swollen Rio G

  • It's not over yet: COVID-19 presence remains high in Saskatchewan: wastewater analysis | CBC News

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:32

    The COVID-19 viral load remains high in Saskatchewan, according to researchers who analyze wastewater in cities across the province. 

    Researchers at the University of Regina say the viral load in Regina's wastewater has increased slightly, part of a trend that has seen a small but

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    www.waterworld.com is using a security service for protection agai

  • Making Morris a Clean Water Destination | Morris News

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:29

    In 2019, the city of Morris built a new state-of-the-art water treatment plant to replace its 40-year old facility and address environmental concerns about the amount of chloride being discharged into the Pomme de Terre River.  

    Morris has some of the hardest groundwater in Minnesota.

  • Wicomico County moves forward with possible sludge tank ban

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:26

    The Wicomico County Council successfully introduced a bill that could severely limit, if not ban, sludge tanks in the county.

    Sludge tanks, also known as Dissolved Air Flotation tanks, are used by agriculture to store animal parts and waste that is later extracted to be used as a cheaper

  • City of China will construct new wastewater treatment plant

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:17

    The Texas Water Development Board is located at 1700 Congress Ave. in Austin.

    The city of China will be building a new wastewater treatment plant, with some financial assistance from the state.

    The Texas Water Development Board on Sept. 1 approved giving the city of China $6 millio

  • LCWSC receives $1.5 million for Clinton-Joanna Wastewater Treatment Plant | News | golaurens.com

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:16

    Laurens County Council has authorized the acceptance of a $1.5 million federal grant that will enhance sewer services to Clinton and Joanna.

    The action was taken Tuesday at a called meeting of the council. Its next meetings will be Sept. 13 and Sept. 27.

    The Upper Savannah Council

  • State agrees to wastewater treatment plant at Powder Mill fish hatchery | Environment | unionleader.com

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:15

    Clear skies. Low 59F. Winds light and variable..

    Clear skies. Low 59F. Winds light and variable.

    This is a posted sign along the Merrymeeting River near to the state’s Powder Mill Hatchery. Studies have confirmed the Powder Mill Hatchery is respo

  • This rotary pressure filter has clean-in-place technology - Chemical Engineering | Page 1

    by admin on 2022-09-10 00:16:11

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    Type RPF rotary pressure filters (photo) are continuously operating filters that facilitate gas-tight cake handling in a series of separate process steps. The f