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From 2022 to 2032, global end-of-pipe air pollution control equipment demand is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5%. End-of-pipe technology is used to reduce or eliminate the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. One of the most important areas
Report Ocean published the latest research report on the Wastewater Treatment market. In order to comprehend a market holistically, a variety of factors must be evaluated, including demographics, business cycles, and microeconomic requirements that pertain precisely to the market
During infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, people shed virus down the drain every time they wash their hands or use the toilet. This can happen whether or not someone has symptoms of the disease.
Scientists have been tracking levels of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater as a
Among the humming machines and maze-like pipes of the water purification plant just north of Marina, Mike McCullough fills a cup with water from a row of faucets.
"I'll drink it first," he said, before tipping the cup back.
The water is remarkable because it looks — and tastes �
Data from the Water Services Regulatory Board indicates that sewerage coverage of the population with direct connection to a sewer as a percentage of the total population stood at 15 percent in 2020 with 24 out of 47 counties lacking proper access.
Each Weholite packaged wastewater treat
SALEM — The Salem Utilities Commission has approved the long-coming consent decree regarding the city’s phosphorus discharge levels.
The commission passed a motion authorizing Commission Chairman Bob Hodgson to sign the decree pending approval by City Law Director Brooke Zel
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BHS-Sonthofen will showcase its technologies and services for solid-liquid filtration applications at ACHEMA 2018 in Frankfurt on 11-15 June.
The company offers a range of filtration solutions for cake filtration processes, and supports customers in selecting the most suitable filter
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