Israel And Australia Water Policy And Demonstration Examples

2022-08-20 00:24:16 By : karen liu

during the last decades Israel and Australia Give an example of managing their water policy, with these countries focusing on supplying increasing demand without neglecting sustainability.

These two countries may be very different from Latin American countries, but many of their policies and reforms may be of great experience and good practice, Definition of responsibilities and powers of the agencies involved, creation of agencies for watershed management, resource planning and knowledge,

In watershed management Israel manages it centrally, in Australia it is a state, with the exception of the Murray-Darling Basin, which is managed by a federal authority. These countries were investing Knowledge of your surface and groundwater To plan and be prepared for global warming.

Agricultural Water Summit 2022 event held in Chile in August, Lior Spindel, economic advisor to the Economic and Comer Missionofficial of Israel in Chile I Ian Mortimer, Australia’s Agricultural Advisor for South America He mentioned his water management model to an audience of more than 650 representatives of the Chilean agricultural industry.

First of all, What is water management? this is him A set of activities to be undertaken for sustainable and adequate use of water, The fundamental guidelines of this management are reduction and reuse.

In the case of IsraelSpindel mentions five keys to success in water resource management:

When speaking of institutionalization, the economic advisor emphasizes on the need for a legal framework. in the case of Israel A National Authority (Water Authority)Technical, autonomous, independent and integrated water, which determines rates and water allocation. Along with this is a society with a savings mindset that begins when they are children and a lasting awareness of reuse.

“Currently, Israel reuses 90% of its water, obtaining a high-quality resource that is mainly used in agriculture. Recycling is done by small municipal treatment plants or larger plants such as Shafdan. In fact, Israel was highlighted by the United Nations in 2009 as the most efficient in the world in water recycling,” he said. Lior Spindel, economic advisor to the Economic and Comer Missionofficial of Israel in Chile

Israel has been working for years Reuse of treated waste water for irrigation And Shafdan is the largest wastewater treatment plant in that country, serving 2 million people, 17 municipalities, treating 130 million m3 of wastewater per year and irrigating more than 60% of agriculture in the Negev.

about the experience desalination israel owns 5 desalination plantswhich generate 80% of drinking water at a cost of less than US$0.50 in the largest plants.

it’s all about work Technology and good water management, which is applied in the generation of biological matrix such as leak identification and prevention, protection, wastewater treatment, algae harvesting, reuse and technical drip irrigation. In this, machinery related to filtration, valves and meters gets importance.

Australia is one of the countries that has become more publicly aware of global warming And it is projected into the future, and if we connect it, for example, Chile or Latin America, it has a long history in the use of water rights for private water use. However, it did reform the rules, where the federal government bought the rights to secure them for the future as a way of being sustainable.

This could have been done in Australia, but ownership in the use of the resource is not allowed in the case of Israel. Yes, these mentioned countries abolished subsidies on water consumption and set tariffs that encourage responsible use.

Ian Mortimer, Australia’s Agricultural Advisor for South AmericaSaid in relation to those who also participated in the Agriculture Water Summit 2022 What are the challenges of water management in Australia? These are based on works of valleys, management of water rights, markets and water allocation and will be efficient now, not tomorrow.

They said that What marked Australian public policy The National Water Improvement Project was and is intended to achieve sustainable use in highly allocated and stressed water systems, formulate a comprehensive legal water plan, improve prices for water storage and supply, expand the water rights business, water rights registries and water accounting. There was theoretical management to begin with. standards, better management of urban water demand, and preparation of a three-year water improvement progress report by the Productivity Commission.

In form of next step, These are based on updating the National Water Policy since 2004 to respond to the new challenges. In the case of the Murray-Darling Basin plan, the aim is to restore the health of Australia’s largest basin by limiting the amount of water. This.

Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA.)Each basin is in charge of allocating water to the state. The State Governments are responsible for delivering water to the rights holders within each basin and calculating the availability in each basin separately.

About There are two main types of water rights In the Murray-Darling Basin:

Apart from being restricted by physical limits or regulations, both instruments can be traded freely.

Told mortimer that “trading in water rights is a sustainable trade. For example, the holder of water rights” You can sell it when you retire from farming permanently. water allocation business is a floating trade, For example, if a farmer can sell his water allotment during the growing season.

australia performs water allocation which are driven by the variability of the water flow entering the system, and are created on the basis of wet years (high flow) and dry years (low flow).

Water rights are then assigned on the basis of protection or priority of water rights. Allocation priorities may vary between states. For example, in New South Wales the order of priorities is as follows: first domestic use and stock, Second is urban water supply, third is high security, fourth is transport and fifth is general security”, explains the counselor.

inside efficiency measure This country cannot be overlooked, since 2010 a government investment plan of more than $13,000 million to improve water supply in a network of open channels to hi-tech irrigation systems, changes to non-farm infrastructure Destined.

Too, OneThey currently work on an efficiency program called “Off the Farm”.Where $1.5 billion is committed to improving the water supply network in the basin. Providing an economic incentive to support regional communities, reducing water loss and increasing the amount of water available to the environment, irrigators and improving irrigation networks of communities.

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