By Evelyn Long - For the Sentinel
CARDINGTON- Meeting for its only regular session in August, Cardington Village Council considered several pieces of legislation.
Village Administrator Walt Pollock described the operation of the Waste Water Treatment plant and invited members of council and of the community to visit the site.
Council approved the emergency reading of an ordinance accepting the recommendation of the village administrator to enter into a contract with OHM Advisors for a Wastewater Sludge Dewatering and Septage study.
Pollock described his recommendation and his proposal from OHM Advisors regarding the South Marion Street Storm Improvement project. This proposal determines that a need exists to replace catch basins on South Marion Street along with performing a CCTV inspection on South Marion Street from village limits to Second Street, West Walnut Street from Park St. to South Marion Street, Park Street from West Walnut Street to West Second Street and storm easement from Nichols Street to Lowenstein Lane to Midland Avenue. Council gave an emergency reading to this legislation.
Pollock said the Maxwell Park will be closed for a week beginning August 4 so concrete walks can be poured on the entry way and around restrooms making it more accessible for wheel chairs.
Approved was a resolution certifying to the county auditor for inclusion on the tax duplicate the amounts owed to the village for delinquent water and sewer charges.
Fire Chief Gary Goodman reported the roof on the fire house had been repaired. He also cautioned residents to be careful of electric wires dropped to the ground during thunder storms. He said the department had made 140 calls this year.
Police Chief James Wallace reported his department had made 71 calls in July with a total of 494 for the year. He said certification was complete on Krav Maga and on August 6, the department will have training at the range in pistol fundamentals. This training will be instructed by Officer Colburn.
Fiscal Officer Deb Fry submitted two check registers, one for July 18, 2022 and the other for August 1, 2022. Bills totaling $71,382.04 were approved for payment from July 18 and bills totaling $13,908.88 were approved for payment from check register dated August 1, 2022.
She reported that she is required to complete a report that shows the profitability of both the water and wastewater funds for the Ohio Water Development Authority. She said, “As part of that report a calculation is completed reflecting the percentage of outstanding accounts that are over 30 days old for each fund.”
She reported the water fund has gone from 24 percent in 2020 to 16.6 percent in 2021,which is an improvement.
During a special called meeting of council on July 19, Mayor Susie Peyton said it was called to discuss recent employee changes.
Approved was a resolution accepting the resignation of Sarah E. Shade from the position of full year part time street worker.
Also approved was a resolution, accepting and confirming the village administrator’s recommendation of Gus Peyton for the position of casual part time street worker for the village.
Addressing council prior to the opening of the meeting was Monty Maceyko, a seven year member of the Cardington-Lincoln Public Library Board of trustees, who described the reasons to vote “yes” on the one mill levy in support of the library on November 8, 2022.
Council will meet next on September 6, 2022.
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