Bourne’s new wastewater treatment plan ready for increased sewage flow

2022-07-16 00:04:55 By : Mr. Devlin Zhang

BUZZARDS BAY — The town’s new wastewater treatment plant at Queen Sewell Park across the village bypass is treating 35,000 to 55,000 gallons per day and is ready for an anticipated summer increase.

The Wastewater Facility, Design and Building Committee hopes to prepare a final project report and send it to town sewer commissioners in September. There is a $760,000 contingency account remaining and members hope to return the money when the project concludes. The project had been delayed by supply chain interruptions.

Committee Chair Stanley Andrews said work remains on a noise complaint that should be rectified by materials still to arrive for the plant’s heating/ventilation/air-conditioning system. The park’s ballfield, meanwhile, has been loamed and re-seeded.

Members also await completion of the long-delayed 100-unit Calamar Apartments construction project on the Cape Cod Canal across from the new Hampton Inn and town hall. This project and the pending multi-use building planned at 2 Kendall Rae Place, also next to the canal, should increase sewage plant activity, members said.

The Weston & Sampson engineering firm will serve as the plant operator for two more years as the town’s sewer division continues to evolve, members said.

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The choice of a playground/park for a sewage facility was at first a municipally fitful idea. But the location did not involve a property purchase and the neighboring new police station could ultimately tie into the plant.

The treatment facility was designed for 100,000 gallons per day. It was billed as an economic development engine for more Main Street area development and property re-usage in a designated growth incentive zone.

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The town, meanwhile, plans to repair the primary sewage transmission system on Main Street. Work entails upgrades to manholes and pumps at the Way Ho restaurant and the Taylors Point Marina.

Plans also call for upgrading degraded low-pressure waste pumps in low-lying properties, notably at Taylors Point. The system sends up to 90,000 gallons per day to the Agawam River treatment plant in Wareham.