Former Town Council member Jim Beauchamp is seeking to join the Centreville council this October election. Beauchamp is the former Director of Public Works for the city of Annapolis.
Former Town Council member Jim Beauchamp is seeking to join the Centreville council this October election. Beauchamp is the former Director of Public Works for the city of Annapolis.
Ahead of the Sept. 20 League of Women Voters forum for Centreville Town Council we offered each of the four candidates the opportunity to weigh in on topics concerning the town.
Former Town Council member and candidate in the Oct. 3 election, Jim Beauchamp answers below: What does Centreville’s next growth phase look like to you?
Any future growth needs to be measured, sensitive to the needs of the community, and designed to be consistent with our unique town character. Centreville should not grow by chance, but should grow by choice.
Keeping in mind that we are surrounded by productive farmland, infill should be our near-term focus. There are two farms within the town limits. Each of these offers great opportunity if developed properly. The Town owns the undeveloped side of Pennsylvania Avenue – this is an incredible asset that allows for mixed-use development with a downtown feel.
Part of the decision matrix for a retail or services business is the number of rooftops in the immediate service area. So further residential development and desired commercial development go hand-in-hand. My prior experience in economic development for small towns like Centreville will help us maintain a balance and pursue the businesses this community desires and needs.
Would you consider adding increased water and sewer allocations for residential development and/or commercial growth? And what are some commercial business types that you might try to recruit or encourage to come to Centreville?
My professional experience in municipal public works will be valuable in determining economically viable levels of surplus capacity. These decisions need to be driven by the community’s wishes for growth – both the extent of growth and the pace of growth. It’s so easy to say that “development should pay for itself”, but the Town has to have the capacity in place first. Then, any proposed development can support the capital structure providing that capacity.
One of my primary targets is Assisted Living and Continuing Care facility to better enable citizens to age in place. Such a facility can act as an anchor for other medical services and for a properly sized hotel.
In a post-COVID world, it may be more valuable to assure Centreville has access to reliable and fast internet to support remote work and remote learning.
As a council member, what areas of town government would you consider to be your primary focus and/or strength?
Fundamentally, the Town offers three areas of value to its residents: planning and zoning, public safety, and utility services. Based on our current needs, I offer expertise guiding the Town through redevelopment of the utility systems. I served as Public Works Director for the City of Annapolis during the construction of a new water treatment plant and I represented Goldsboro on the development team for the new Greensboro-Goldsboro regional wastewater treatment facility.
Beauchamp previously served on the Town Council from 2013 to 2019. He offered he and his wife live in the Providence Farm neighborhood, their daughter lives in The Heights, and Beauchamps in-laws live in Symphony Village. Additionally, Beauchamp said his graduate-level education and professional experience in development will help guide sound planning and zoning, “But I think the foundation of my contribution is with financial management and accounting oversight. On top of almost 40 years in the private sector, I served as Budget Officer for Anne Arundel County – developing and implementing a $1.7 million budget.”
Developing a strong, vibrant downtown area has been a focus in the past. Would you recommend any particular action for arts and entertainment or tourism — including any endorsements or participation with the Maryland Women’s History Museum?
Centreville has had success with its ‘First Friday’ and ‘National Night Out’ events. These types of events bring energy to our downtown and interest in our local businesses.
Though not directly tied to downtown, we should work with the Board of Education and Queen Anne’s County Parks Department to host regional sports tournaments.
With respect to the Maryland Women’s History Museum, I think it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the history of our community and the women who helped build it.
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