Wastewater Treatment & Wastewater Collection Divisions

2022-07-15 23:58:43 By : Ms. Holly Hou

The City’s Wastewater Collection Division regularly maintains, cleans, and inspects the public sanitary sewer lines. This work involves crews using a truck mounted main line camera system and portable lateral camera system to inspect the lines for potential blockages. Blockages are commonly caused by tree root intrusion and grease buildup. If crews identify any kind of blockage, the line is cleaned using a high-pressure water system and mechanical cutters.

Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Program The City of Oxford is committed to providing residents with a safe and environmentally sound wastewater collection and treatment system. Unfortunately, fats, oils, and grease (FOG) can build up in our collection system, causing sewer overflows or backups, and severely impacting maintenance and operational costs that are passed onto all sanitary sewer ratepayers. For this reason, the Service Department encourages all households and commercial businesses to use preventative strategies to ensure that FOG discharges do not make it into our sanitary sewer system. To learn more about what materials contribute to FOG build up and preventative strategies, contact the  Wastewater Collection Division.

For additional information, you may contact the Service Department at (513) 524-5206.

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