KEY ACTION Police Chief Jim Goodall reported that things have been going well and said he is considering adding another officer. He noted that the crosswalk marker on Cherry Street, near the park, will be put back to help alert drivers to people crossing in that area. The department is currently on the lookout for speeders, stop sign violators and junk vehicles.
DISCUSSION: Thrasher Engineering sent Clay Riley and Scott Wright to look at the wastewater treatment plant as different types of aeration are being considered. The reservoir is completed. The foundation for the control building should be poured and the filters will been plumbed in.
• Mayor Dana Moore and Council President Mike McConnell said they will meet with Solicitor JJ Ong regarding wage increases. An ordinance will be prepared for the next meeting.
• Candidates for fiscal officer and the water/sewer operator will meet with council prior to the next meeting.
• Passed a motion for the purchase of four loads of mulch for the playground.
• Agreed to pay the speaker on Memorial Day the amount of $75.
• Agreed to reimburse Chief Goodall for the purchase of a gift for former Police Chief Ty Norris, who recently submitted his resignation. The cost was $325.
• Will move the second Village Council meeting in June to the 30th, due to the Tusky Days Festival.
• Agreed to pay Johnny Peterman $17 per hour while he is working with the water/sewer and mowing and to give him $12 per hour when mowing only. Peterman has previously helped with leaf pickup and seasonal work during the time Street Superintendent Harold Booth is off.
• Village Administrator DJ Meek said he will get prices to stripe East Avenue.
• A low hanging wire prevented Kimble from picking up trash on School St. Extension recently. AT&T repaired the line and Kimble was to return to pick up the missed totes.
• Bleachers will be moved to School St. in preparation for the Tusky Days Festival.
• Councilman Tom Baker said he will ensure that the monument area at the park is cleaned up prior to the Memorial Day service.
• Letters will soon be going out to residents and businesses announcing the change to RITA.
• Mayor Moore said it has been protocol for the ball teams to come to a council meeting before the season starts to let the village know what is needed at the park. Moore asked that the teams continue to take care of the infields and the village will mow and trim the outfields. The village will also continue to maintain the fencing. The teams are to supply the village with proof of insurance.
- Reminded residents of Memorial Day events as follows: VFW Salute and parade line-up at the Indian Valley Middle School; Parade steps off from the Indian Valley Middle School at 10 a.m. The service at the park begins at 10:30 with the welcome being offered by Mayor Moore, an Invocation being given by Dr. Dorsey Davisson; the Speaker will be Chris Hart. The Warwick Fire Department will be selling their chicken dinners beginning at 10:30 as well.