Health commissioner: Community needs to plan for future growth

2022-06-11 00:53:15 By : Mr. John Wang

With the recent announcement of the new Intel chip manufacturing facility coming to central Ohio, a lot of people are asking, “Where will these thousands of new workers live?”. With the northern half of Fairfield County being within a 30 to 40-minute drive from the Intel site, our community leaders are talking about how we can best prepare for that population growth.

Anyone who pays rent, or has priced a new home lately, already knows there is a shortage of available housing in central Ohio. Everything from apartments, condominiums, starter homes, and middle to upper-income housing is in short supply and prices have soared.

In the past some communities have taken a no-growth attitude, which is reflected in restrictive zoning, resulting in large lots for single-family homes rather than denser developments or multifamily housing.

In 2021, 60% of the homes built, outside of the cities of Pickerington and Lancaster, were in unsewered areas that required on-site sewage treatment systems. In fact, there were 191 new household sewage treatment systems installed in 2021, with an average cost per system of $20,580.  Over $3.5 million dollars were spent last year to provide individual sewage treatment to those 191 homes. Add to that the cost of new water wells, and we are up over $5 million spent to provide drinking water and sewage treatment to those 191 homes.

The goal of many communities is to maintain their rural character, but when the average new home lot size in unsewered areas is 5.4 acres, their zoning policies often result in just the opposite effect. In 2021, new single-family homesite development resulted in over 780 acres of rural land being converted into residential lots.

By adopting updated comprehensive plans, and zoning that reflects those plans, communities can help manage growth while improving infrastructure, including roadways, water and sewer. They can also work with developers to develop new parks, preserve greenspace and expand trails to make our communities healthier for all residents, new and old.

We are fortunate to live in a county that is healthy and growing. 55 of the 88 counties in Ohio lost population in the last census. Everyone wants to have good-paying jobs, quality schools, and to live in vibrant communities with recreational opportunities. Businesses, their workers, and families are attracted to Fairfield County for good reason. We need to welcome them and, to better serve us all, we should adopt comprehensive community plans that will continue to help Fairfield County be a great place to live and work for generations to come.

Joe Ebel is the Fairfield County Health Commissioner